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a brown rat


Bait Stations

Using rat poison has risks, some obvious and some not so obvious. Bait stations address some of these risks and can even increase the effectiveness of using rodenticides.​

The station has a point of entry, just large enough for a rat to fit through, and a compartment where rat killer poison can be stored. For Block and Paste rodenticides, there is a metal rod which you can attach them to. They are not traps as they do not capture or kill the rodents, they simply allow them to consume the poison and exit.


Why Are Bait Stations Needed?

Non-Target Species One of the greatest risks associated with rodenticides it the risk that non-target species consume the poison. Bait stations help to prevent this by reducing spillage as well as being designed so that only rats and mice can enter to consume the bait. Regardless, the risk of this is never zero so even with a bait station, caution should be exercised where there is a risk of consumption by non-target species.

Bait Protection They protect the bait from degrading due to adverse weather conditions such as wind and snow. This means the bait stays fresher and more attractive to rats and mice for longer, improving uptake and reducing the need to replace bait as often.

Shelter They provide a 'protected' place for rats to eat. As rats are naturally cautious, the will rarely feed out in the open, so providing a sheltered place of consumption can itself improve uptake of bait.

Tips For Effectiveness

Replace Bait Ensure bait is replaced in line with the manufacturer's instructions.

Location Ensure the bait box is positioned in areas where rats frequent - ideally on sheltered routes between the rat's nest and where they travel to get food. Always ensure that the stations are located well out of reach of non-target species such as dog and children.

Interference Once placed, try to avoid moving the station around. Rats are suspicious so can take time to get used to new objects, therefore moving it could increase the time it takes them to get comfortable enough to enter.

We supply Racan BETA, which is a good general use, heavy duty bait station. We also provide bundle kits that come combine the BETA with either Block, Sapphire or Grain rat killer poison. For further information on bait stations and their use, please see our blog.

Always read the label and follow the manufacturer's instructions on the packet for safe application. If you are unsure about anything around rodenticide use, contact a professional pest controller.

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