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Foxes can cause problems to pets, livestock and gardens. They can create unhygienic areas that can attract other pests such as rats and mice and keep you awake during the night through their famous screeching noises. We provide granule and spray deterrents to keep them at bay, with immediate results, so you can get back to gardening in peace...

Fox Facts

Foxes are typically found in woodland and open country, however they are also now found in urban areas.


They are opportunistic feeders, eating insects, worms, fruit, wild birds, small mammals and scraps left by humans which has attracted them to cities. This new 'city life' of scavenging has proved appealing to foxes as it requires less effort to source food than traditional hunting. Their close proximity to humans have made them bolder, increasing the chances they will invade your property in search of food.

Problems With Foxes

In the countryside, they tend to live in burrows underground which is not so much of a problem. However, in urban areas they find homes under sheds, or even floorboards of houses. Their presence can bring with it bad smells, health risks and unwanted noise - especially so when they fight amongst each other or mate.


They are also a direct threat to small pets, especially ones kept outside such as chickens, rabbits, ducks  or guinea pigs.

In addition, they bring problems in the form of digging up gardens, defecating (pooing) on them and ripping through unsecured rubbish - leaving a real mess and inviting other unwanted guests such as rats and mice.


Our fox deterrent granules and sprays can be used for immediate relief from invading foxes. These should always be combined with general good hygiene practices such as keeping your rubbish and any other sources of food (such as animal feed or fruit that have fallen from trees) in secured containers such as bins or grain buckets.


If you keep animals outside such as poultry, birds, rabbits or guinea pigs, always ensure their housing is secure and proofed against foxes. This is especially important at night when foxes are more active (and you are not around to chase them off!)

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