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Sapphire Grain 25 - Rat Poison contains the single feed active ingredient Brodifacoum  which is widely accepted as the strongest poison available for amateur use. 


It is stronger and more effective than other poisons such as Bromadiolone and Difenacoum which means results can be obtained using less bait (and cheaper). It contains near the upper limit of Brodifcaoum for amateur application to ensure results are maximised as efficiently as possible and is effective and fast in controllling mice and rats in 1 feed.


Each 150g pouch contains 6 x 25g grain sachets, enough for 3 x rat bait points.


Strongest rodent poison available to buy for amateur use
Results expected after a single feed
Developed by UK manufacturer renowned for rat killer solutions


Sapphire Grain 25 - Rat Killer Poison

    •  Check for signs of activity in and around buildings. This can be burrows or runs. Rats are very cautious and will run beside buildings and look to hide in any cover that might offer them a form of safety.
    • Place tamperproof bait stations every 5-10m apart where there are signs of rodent activity and in areas where rodents would feel safe and not exposed.
    • Place 2 x 25g of Sapphire Grain into each of the bait stations. 
    • Check the bait 5-7 days after the first treatment and replenish any bait taken.
    • Search for, remove and dispose of any dead rodents that are found.

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